Prodej, byty/3+kk, 89 m2, 46846 Plavy, Jablonec nad Nisou [I

Přidáno včera - Liberecký kraj - BAZOS
Prodej Apartmánu 3+KK 89.18 m2 se saunouENGLISH BELOW Vaše místo pro oddych či skvělá investiční příležitost Představujeme Vám jedinečný apartmán v historické secesní vile s minulostí i budoucností. Díky citlivé rekonstrukci Brůnovy vily vzniknul tento objekt spojující klasickou regionální architekturu a moderní design. Podhůří Jizerských hor láká svou přírodní krásou a historií a je současně vyhledávanou destinací pro milovníky zimních i letních sportů, turistiky, historických památek a objevitele nových malebných zákoutí. Nabízený apartmán představuje ideální zázemí díky dispozici 3+KK (podlahová plocha 63,35 m2) doplněné o obytnou půdu (25,83 m2). Více v přiloženém plánku. K nezaplacení je prostorný sklep (17 m2) a také vyhrazené parkovací stání. Celý objekt je zabezpečen systémem Jablotron. Není nad to se po dni plném zážitků náležitě zrelaxovat. Proto jistě Vy nebo Vaši hosté ocení saunu nacházející se přímo v apartmánu. Nemovitost je v současnosti využívána ke krátkodobému pron... (více v detailu)
Liberecký kraj
9 990 000

Podobné inzeráty

Prodej, pozemek, 70 000 m, 99, Staré Hamry, Česko
Před 2 dny - Moravskoslezský kraj - BAZOS
Want to own something exclusive that just about anyone can't have? We offer you luxury land of 3 600 m2 directly in the Beskydy Mountains in the village of Staré Hamry. And ATTENTION - In addition to this, already approved building permit for the construction of 2 houses + 1 large outbuilding. The land consists of 3 600 m2 of building area, about 18 000 m2 of forest and about 48 000 m2 of meadow. A state road leads to the land. There is electricity and a well with drinking water on the land. Suitable not only for housing but also for business. For example, you can rent out the houses already mentioned here. In the forest you can make tree houses, ... (více v detailu)
Moravskoslezský kraj
Tenauate Retard Weight loss Slimming Pills
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Tenuate Retard slimming pill is one of the well-known products in the field of weight loss and appetite management. This product has attracted a lot of attention due to its fast effect and long-term performance in the body. Tenuate Retard, with a specia... (více v detailu)
Tenuate Retard
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Tenuate Retard slimming pill is one of the well-known products in the field of weight loss and appetite management. This product has attracted a lot of attention due to its fast effect and long-term performance in the body. Tenuate Retard, with a specia... (více v detailu)
Biomanix Pills in Islamabad | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Biomanix Pills in Lahore | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Biomanix Pills in Pakistan | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Dragon Condom In Islamabad | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Dragon Condom In Pakistan If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)
Dragon Condom In Lahore | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Dragon Condom In Pakistan If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)
Dragon Condom In Pakistan | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Dragon Condom In Pakistan If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)
Biomanix Pills in Lahore @ 0309@9400446
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Biomanix Pills in Pakistan @ 0309@9400446
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center city
Přidáno dnes - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
I'm offering a nice room in an apartment about 11 minutes from the city center—from the Muzeum stop, Václavské náměstí. The apartment is located in a beautiful park, so it's quiet... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
16 000
Nově zrenovovaný byt na ve vilové čtvrti 5 minut od Anděla
Před 2 dny - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
Pronajmu nově zrekonstruovaný byt 1+1 nacházející se v přízemí vily s výhledem do zahrady. Byt je vybaven kychyňskou linkou s varnou deskou, el. troubou, myčkou a dalšími věcmi dle fotografií. Byt je vybaven moderním rekuperačním systémem, který zajištuje neustálý přívod čerstvého vzduchu. Obě hlavní místnosti mají podlahové vytápění, které přispívá k tepelné pohodě. Byt se skládá z velké světlé místosti, moderní kuchyně s jídelnou a zázemím pro pračku/sušičku, prostorné chodby, koupelny s toaletou a komory. Celková plocha bytu činí 50 m2. Možnost parkování na pozemku v případě zájmu za příplatek. Pro další informace a domluvení prohlídky mě kontaktujte skrz zprávy. ** A newly renovated 1+1 apartment located on t... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
22 000
Eros Delay Cream In Lahore | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong Pleasure For External Use Only Note... (více v detailu)
Eros Delay Cream In Islamabad | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong Pleasure For External Use Only Note... (více v detailu)
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong Pleasure For External Use Only Note... (více v detailu)
Aichun Beauty Breast Cream Price in Sialkot 03000680746
Přidáno dnes - HYPERINZERCE
ichun Beauty Breast Cream Price In Pakistan Greater Breast Hips Butt Enlargement Breast Enhancement Cream, Feel it running in the interim after utility. You will sense a warm, or tingling sensation. The Hot Breast cream will be running into your breast for twenty-four hours after utility Breast Enlargement cream has been described by Extra Super Natural Growing Herbs inside the Word to Enlarge the d... (více v detailu)
Aichun Beauty Breast Cream Price in Gujranwala 03000680746
Přidáno dnes - HYPERINZERCE
ichun Beauty Breast Cream Price In Pakistan Greater Breast Hips Butt Enlargement Breast Enhancement Cream, Feel it running in the interim after utility. You will sense a warm, or tingling sensation. The Hot Breast cream will be running into your breast for twenty-four hours after utility Breast Enlargement cream has been described by Extra Super Natural Growing Herbs inside the Word to Enlarge the d... (více v detailu)
Eros Delay Cream In Islamabad | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong P... (více v detailu)
Eros Delay Cream In Lahore | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong P... (více v detailu)
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan | 0309:9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Eros Delay Cream In Pakistan Eros Cream contains lidocaine which is a topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of touch receptors. Eros cream is formulated to reduce sensitivity and prolong the pleasure. Reduce Male Sensitivity Prolong P... (více v detailu)
Dining table, solid oak top, under warranty, James WOOD
Před 2 dny - Ústecký kraj - BAZOS
Hello, I am offering for sale a brand new dining table with a solid oak top. The table is unused and is under warranty. It will be sold with the original receipt. The dimensions are - length 160 cm - width 75 cm - height 90 cm The table is as you can see on the pic... (více v detailu)
Ústecký kraj
9 000
Biomanix Pills in Lahore + 0309$9400446
Biomanix Pills In Pakistan Biomanix Pills In Pakistan to Be Able to Major a Exceptional Intercourse Life and Being Genuine in Bed is Something That Each Man Goals. “you May’t Fulfill Me.” is a Line That Can Shatter the Self-self Guarantee of Any Guy. While Feedback Like ‘you Had Been Rocking Remaining Night Time Time!” Can Boost Up the Self Guarantee of Someone Like a Skyrocket. The Choice of Getting Intercourse is Part of Existence and Any Sort of Missing in This Can Result in an Sad Courting. N... (více v detailu)
Viga Spray 2 Million Strong Delay Spray For Men Price in Sia
Přidáno dnes - HYPERINZERCE
your satisfaction with Super Viga 2 Million – Because you deserve nothing but the best! Key features and benefits of Viga Spray 2 Million: Increased endurance: Say goodbye to early disappointments and enjoy longer-lasting intimacy... (více v detailu)
Viga Spray 2 Million Strong Delay Spray For Men Price in Guj
Přidáno dnes - HYPERINZERCE
your satisfaction with Super Viga 2 Million – Because you deserve nothing but the best! Key features and benefits of Viga Spray 2 Million: Increased endurance: Say goodbye to early disappointments and enjoy longer-lasting intimacy... (více v detailu)
Další nabídky najdete zde: Treking a turistika